Sources       Index

Source    S1

 Title:   Personal Knowledge
 Abbrev.:   Personal Knowledge

Sources       Index

Source    S2

 Title:   Obituary Card
 Abbrev.:   Obituary Cardspouse and children.

Sources       Index

Source    S3

 Title:   Genealogy - Davelaar
 Publication:   2000
 Abbrev.:   Genealogy - Davelaar

Sources       Index

Source    S4

 Title:   Civil Registry - National Archief
 Abbrev.:   Civil Registry - National Archief
 Note:   Previously:   Zuid-Holland, Formosa en VOC

Sources       Index

Source    S5

 Title:   Genealogy - van Vliet 1779-1980
 Author:   Stichting Oudheidkamer Reeuwijk
 Abbrev.:   Stichting Oudheidkamer Reeuwijk
 Publication:   11-Jan-1991; 4 pages
 Abbrev.:   Genealogy - van Vliet 1779-1980

Sources       Index

Source    S6

 Title:   Newspaper Clipping
 Abbrev.:   Newspaper Clipping

Sources       Index

Source    S7

 Title:   In Memoriam Card
 Abbrev.:   In Memoriam Card
 Note:   Card handed out at the funeral church service.

Sources       Index

Source    S8

 Title:   Civil Registry - Het Utrechts Archief
 Abbrev.:   Civil Registry - Het Utrechts Archief

Sources       Index

Source    S9

 Title:   Civil Registry - Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg
 Abbrev.:   Civil Registry - Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg

Sources       Index

Source    S10

 Title:   Gravestone
 Abbrev.:   Gravestone

Sources       Index

Source    S11

 Title:   Civil Registry - Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum
 Abbrev.:   Civil Registry - Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum

Sources       Index

Source    S12

 Title:   Personal Research
 Abbrev.:   Personal Research

Sources       Index

Source    S13

 Title:   Genealogy - van Vliet GEDCOM update
 Author:   Stichting Oudheidkamer Reeuwijk
 Abbrev.:   Stichting Oudheidkamer Reeuwijk
 Publication:   12-May-2004
 Abbrev.:   Genealogy - van Vliet GEDCOM update

Sources       Index

Source    S14

 Title:   Marriage Certificate
 Abbrev.:   Marriage Certificate