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top prev next bottom Flowerbed Details

We go clockwise around the house, starting at the front of the house, around the garage to the South. Then via the backside and the North side back to the front. We use mainly perennials, with some shrubs and a few annuals for added colours. Due to the dynamic nature we have left out the annuals and bulbs in this overview.

T.B.D. Add pictures of mature flowerbeds and perennials.

Our environment

Before we give some details of what we are growing on our acreage, it is important to understand the environment. We live outside of Calgary in the North-West at an elevation of 4,250 feet or 1,295 meters. Our lot measures 70 meters North-South and 120 meters East-West. On average we have frost from September 15 until May 23, which gives us a 3½ month growing season. The ground heats up pretty slow as the land predominantly slopes towards the North. Our highest point is the South-West corner where we have our picnic table for that beautiful wide view. From there it slopes down to the North and the East. The lowest point is indeed on the North side where we have a seasonal pond. An ideal place for ducks and plovers.

Our main goals for the yard


top prev next bottom Flowerbed, East of House (8-Jul-2007)

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Flowerbed East side of House

area: 4.5 m² (48 sqft)
topography: level
sun: Light, but no sun
soil: good, moist

A difficult corner between the house and the garage.

Pigmy Peashrub

Pigmy Peashrub (shrub)
(Caragana pygmaea)
zone: 2
height: 1 m, 3 ft
spread: 1.5 m, 5 ft
flower: yellow

Prune to get a denser bush.

Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny (perennial)
(Lysimachia nummularia)
zone: 2
height: 10 cm, 4"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: gold yellow, May-August
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

We are not very successful with our Creeping Jenny; it has a tendency to disappear on us, especially when it gets dry. Okay, I know, this patch needs a bit of weeding.

Heartleaf Bergenia, or Elephant Ears

Heartleaf Bergenia, or Elephant Ears (perennial)
(Bergenia cordifolia)
zone: 2
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 60 cm, 24 "
flower: pink clusters, June-July
divide: 3 to 4 years (A), or when centre weakens (split)

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, East of Garage (8-Jul-2007)

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Flowerbed East side garage

area: 11 m² (118 sqft)
topography: level
sun: until early afternoon
soil: good, dry

Clematis and Delphinium to break that massive garage wall. We usually plant Marigolds at the edge against the path to add some colour.

Spruce Blue Globe

Spruce Blue Globe (evergreen)
(Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa')
zone: 2
height: 1.5 m, 5 ft
spread: 1.5 m, 5 ft
foliage: blue

Prune in spring to maintain a globe form.

Juniper Arcadia

Juniper Arcadia (evergreen)
(Juniper sabina 'Arcadia')
zone: 2
height: 0.5 m, 2 ft
spread: 2 m, 7 ft
foliage: green

Grows around the corner to the South side as well. Used for shading the root system of the Golden Clematis. Prune in spring to maintain a pleasing shape.

Clematis Ville de Lyon

Clematis Ville de Lyon (perennial vine)
zone: 3
height: 2.5 m, 8 ft
spread: 2.5 m, 8 ft
flower: carmine red

Requires trellis. Prune close to ground level in spring.

Clematis Golden

Clematis Golden (perennial vine)
(Clematis tangutica)
zone: 2
height: 3 m, 10 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: golden yellow

Requires trellis. Grows around the corner to the South side as well. Prune close to ground level in spring. A vigorous plant with fluffy seed heads.


Delphinium (perennial)
zone: 3
height: 1.5 m, 5 ft
spread: 0.5 m, 2 ft
flower: blue, white, June-July
divide: 3 years (A)

Very sensitive to aphids, so keep a close eye on the plants.

Columbine Long Spurred Mixed

Columbine Long Spurred Mixed (perennial)
zone: 2
height: 70 cm, 2 ft
spread: 30 cm, 1 ft
flower: mixed, June-July

Although re-seeding itself, the colour will degenerate. Therefore replace 1/3 of plants with fresh seedlings.

Coral Bell

Coral Bell (perennial)
(Heuchera sanguinea)
zone: 3
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: red, June-July
divide: 4 to 5 years (B)

Keep moist for best results.

Alyssum Saxatile

Alyssum Saxatile (perennial)
(Aurinia Saxatilis 'Citrina')
zone: 3
height: 20 cm, 8"
spread: 25 cm, 10"
flower: yellow, May-June

Although classified as a perennial, it looks more like a self-seeding bi-annual, i.e. grows from seed first year and blooms second year. Used for shading the root system of the Clematis.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, South of Garage (4-Sep-2009)

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Flowerbed South side garage

area: 8 m² (86 sqft)
topography: level
sun: until late afternoon
soil: good, dry

Clematis and Tomatoes to break that massive garage wall. In 2004 we were not able to seed tomatoes indoors so we planted Marigolds instead.

Juniper Arcadia

Juniper Arcadia (evergreen)
(Juniper sabina 'Arcadia')
zone: 2
height: 0.5 m, 2 ft
spread: 2 m, 7 ft
foliage: green

Grows around the corner to the East side as well. Used for shading the root system of the Golden Clematis. Prune in spring to maintain a pleasing shape.

Clematis Golden

Clematis Golden (perennial vine)
(Clematis tangutica)
zone: 2
height: 3 m, 10 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: golden yellow

Requires trellis. Grows around the corner to the East side as well. Prune close to ground level in spring. A vigorous plant with fluffy seed heads.

Clematis Etoile Violette

Clematis Etoile Violette (perennial vine)
(Clematis viticella)
zone: 3
height: 3 m, 10 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: purple

Requires trellis. Prune close to ground level in spring.


Gasplant (perennial)
(Dictamnus albus)
zone: 3
height: 90 cm, 3 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: white, early-mid summer

Difficult to grow from seed, but once you succeed this perennial lives for up to 20 years. Skin irritant with sunlight. Disappeared after a few years.

Hollyhock Hollyhock

Double Hollyhock -- 3 varieties, Black Hollyhock -- single (perennial)
(Alcea rosea 'Peaches n Dreams', 'Chaters Double', 'Charters Maroon', 'Nigra')
zone: 2
height: 180 cm, 6 ft
spread: 40 cm, 1 ft
flower: peachy-pink, various, maroon, black-maroon

Allow to self seed. The first picture shows the hollyhocks in their first year (2006). In 2007 and 2008 most of the hollyhocks were the black variety. The second picture is taken in August 2009 and shows againa nice variety of colours, yet most of the double hollyhocks have not returned. All I am saying is that you can expect lots of surprises with hollyhocks. Enjoy.

Double Purple Coneflower

Double Purple Coneflower (perennial)
(Echinacea purpurea 'Razzmatazz')
zone: 3
height: 85 cm, 3 ft
spread: 50 cm, 1-2 ft
flower: purple, midsummer through fall

Attracts butterflies. Excellent for cutting. Disappeared after the first year.

Asiatic Lily

Asiatic Lily - Dwarf Yellow, Yellow Pixie, Red Pixie, Sorbet (perennial)
(Lilium 'Butter Pixie', 'Yellow Pixie', 'Red Pixie, 'Sorbet')
zone: 2
height: 30-100 cm, 1-3 ft
spread: 15-60 cm, ½-2 ft
flower: yellow, red, white/pink, July-August
divide: 4 to 6 years (C) in fall

Beautiful bloomer.

Obedient Plant

Obedient Plant (perennial)
(Physostegia virginiana 'Bouquet Rose')
zone: 2
height: 105 cm, 3-1/2 ft
spread: 75 cm, 2-1/2 ft
flower: deep-pink

Easy to control. Ours have not done too well and suspect that ants and the dryness is not doing them much good.

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris (perennial)
(Iris germanica)
zone: 3
height: 50 cm, 20"
spread: 10 cm, 4"
flower: yellow & purple, late spring
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

An Iris is a rhizomes and should only be half buried!

Alyssum Saxatile

Alyssum Saxatile (perennial)
(Aurinia Saxatilis 'Citrina')
zone: 3
height: 20 cm, 8"
spread: 25 cm, 10"
flower: yellow, May-June

Although classified as a perennial, it looks more like a self-seeding bi-annual, i.e. grows from seed first year and blooms second year. Used for shading the root system of the Clematis.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, South of House (16-Jul-2005)

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Flowerbed South side house

area: 14 m² (151 sqft)
topography: level
sun: until late afternoon
soil: so-so, moist

Creates a cozy corner with a park bench to drink our morning coffee surrounded by yellow Potentilla and with a complete view onto the vegetable yard and the bird feeder.

You can see that the "boss" keeps a close eye on me.


Dwarf Chrysanthemum (perennial)
(Chrysanthemum weyrichii 'White Bomb')
zone: 3
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 40 cm, 16"
fower: white daisies, fall

May need covering in winter.

Juniper Blue Star

Juniper Blue Star (evergreen)
(Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star')
zone: 4
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 60 cm, 24"
foliage: steel blue

May need covering in winter.

Potentilla Goldfinger Potentilla Goldfinger

Potentilla Goldfinger, Potentilla Orange Wisper (shrub)
(Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger', Potentilla fruticosa 'Orange Wisper')
zone: 2
height: 1.25 m, 4 ft (Orange Wisper 75 cm, 2½ ft)
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: dark yellow, orange

The Goldfinger is a very hardy potentilla with the largest flowers. Encourage new growth by vigorous pruning in early spring. The Orange Wisper has smaller mounded shape.

Just an extra picture of a snow covered potentilla.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, South-West before Deck (14-Jul-2013)

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Flowerbed before deck S.W.

area: 16.5 m² (178 sqft)
topography: North sloping
sun: whole day from about mid-morning
soil: poor, mulched

Has a border of Siberian Blue Dianthus on the path side, and ends under the deck against an area of crystal white rocks.

Blue Oat Grass

Blue Oat Grass (perennial)
(Helictrochen sempervirens)
zone: 4
height: 1 m, 3 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
foliage: blue
divide: 3 years (B)

Trim after blooming to promote foliage.

Blue Fescue

Blue Fescue (perennial)
(Festuca ovina glauca)
zone: 3
height: 25 cm, 10"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
foliage: blue
divide: 3 years (B)

Waterton Mock Orange Waterton Mock Orange

Waterton Mock Orange (shrub)
(Philadelphus lewissi 'Waterton')
zone: 2
height: 100 cm, 3 ft
spread: 150 cm, 5 ft
flower: fragrant single white, late June
Started flowering the second year.

Dianthus Siberian Blue

Dianthus - Siberian Blue (perennial)
(Dianthus 'Siberian Blue')
zone: 2
height: 40 cm, 1 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: indigo, July-September
divide: 3 years (B); success rate is poor

This perennial was started from seed and take a few years to mature.

Anemone Pasque Flower

Anemone - Pasque Flower (perennial)
(Pulsatilla vulgaris)
zone: 2
height: 30 cm, 1 ft
spread: 30 cm, 1 ft
flower: purple red, April-May
divide: 3 to 5 years (B)

One of the earliest bloomers. The flowers change into beautiful fluffy balls.

Liatris Balzing Star

Liatris Balzing Star (perennial)
(Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violett')
zone: 2
height: 75 cm, 30"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: magenta-purple, July-August

Dianthus Sweet William

Dianthus Sweet William (perennial)
(Dianthus barbatus 'dwarf double mix')
zone: 2
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: mixed colours, June-September; self seeding biennial


Cornflower (perennial)
(Centaurus dealbata)
zone: 3
height: 60 cm, 24"
spread: 50 cm, 20"
flower: rosy-purple; June-September

Excellent cutting flower.

Oriental Poppy

Oriental Poppy (perennial)
(Papaver oriental 'Allegro')
zone: 2
height: 50 cm, 20"
spread: 50 cm, 20"
flower: scarlet-orange; summer and late spring

Cut off spent flowers to promote new flowers.

Asiatic Lily

Asiatic Lily - Dwarf Yellow, Yellow Pixie, Red Pixie, Sorbet (perennial)
(Lilium 'Butter Pixie', 'Yellow Pixie', 'Red Pixie, 'Sorbet')
zone: 2
height: 30-100 cm, 1-3 ft
spread: 15-60 cm, ½-2 ft
flower: yellow, red, white/pink, July-August
divide: 4 to 6 years (C) in fall

Beautiful bloomer.

Coral Bell

Coral Bell (perennial)
(Heuchera sanguinea)
zone: 3
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: red, June-July
divide: 4 to 5 years (B)

Keep moist for best results.

Lamium Dead Nettle

Dead Nettle (perennial)
(Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy')
zone: 2
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: white, May-September
foliage: variegated

Trumpet Daffodil

Trumpet Daffodil King Alfred (bulb)
(Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
height: 40 cm, 16"
spread: 15 cm, 6"
flower: bright yellow trumpets, late May/early June
These bulbs can be left in the ground year after year. We typically place them with perennials that are late growers/bloomers to fill the emptiness. Deer love them too, but then as a snack.

Bearded Iris Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris (perennial)
(Iris germanica)
zone: 3
height: 50 cm, 20"
spread: 10 cm, 4"
flower: blue & white, late spring
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

An Iris is a rhizomes and should only be half buried!


Tulip (bulb)
height: 40 cm, 16"
spread: 5 cm, 2"
flower: red/orange with yellow streaks, late May/early June

These bulbs can be left in the ground year after year. We typically place them with perennials that are late growers/bloomers to fill the emptiness. We thought that they were all eaten by the deer, but suddenly in May-2007 this one poked its head up again, and we have no idea anymore what species it is.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, top tier South-West (8-Jul-2007)

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Flowerbed top tier S.W.

area: 45 m² (484 sqft)
topography: slight slope to the North-East
sun: whole day
soil: good

Main flower bed with retaining wall. In full view from inside the house and the patio.

Juniper Arcadia

Juniper Arcadia (evergreen)
(Juniper sabina 'Arcadia')
zone: 2
height: 0.5 m, 2 ft
spread: 2 m, 7 ft
foliage: green

If necessary prune in spring to maintain a pleasing shape.

Juniper Blue Chip

Juniper Blue Chip (evergreen)
(Juniper - horizontalis 'Blue Chip')
zone: 4
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 175 cm, 6 ft
foliage: blue

May need covering in winter.

Spruce Blue Globe

Spruce Blue Globe (evergreen)
(Picea pungens 'Glauca Globosa')
zone: 2
height: 1.5 m, 5 ft
spread: 1.5 m, 5 ft
foliage: blue

Prune in spring to maintain a globe form.

Dwarf European Cranberry

Dwarf European Cranberry (shrub)
(Viburnum opulus 'Nanum')
zone: 3
height: 75 cm, 2½ ft
spread: 75 cm, 2½ ft
foliage: green

Sensitive to winterkill.

Snow-in-Summer Snow-in-Summer

Snow-in-Summer (perennial)
(Cerastium tomemtosum)
zone: 2
height: 15 cm, 6"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
foliage: white, May-July
divide: optional (B)

Creates beautiful borders. Is self-seeding, so needs a bit of control.

Peony - Double Peony - Double Peony - Double Peony - Double

Peony - Double (perennial)
(Paeonia lactiflora 'Double White', 'Double Pink', 'Karl Rosenfield-Red')
zone: 2
height: 90 cm, 3 ft
spread: 90 cm, 3 ft
foliage: white, pink and red, June-August
divide: optional in fall (A, 2-3 eyes)

One of the most beautiful flowers. Require some form of support due to the heaviness of the flowers, e.g. tomato cages, peony hoops, stalks. You typically see ants on the buds. These ants actually help the buds to open.

Maltese Cross

Maltese Cross (perennial)
(Lychnis chalcedonica)
zone: 2
height: 100 cm, 3 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
foliage: red, summer

Taking the top off from the first stem when it is about 20 cm makes for a bushier plant.

Geranium Cranesbill

Geranium Cranesbill (e.g. Blood, Siberian, Bigroot, Pink), Geranium Sang White (perennial)
(Geranium x 'Claridge druce', Geranium himalayense, Geranium sanguineum, Geranium wlassovianum, Geranium m. 'Bevans Variety', Geranium endressii)
zone: 2-4
height: 30-60 cm, 1-2 ft
spread: 45 cm, 1½ ft
foliage: red, white pink, magenta-pink, violet-purple, summer
divide: 4 to 5 years (A)

Spurge - Purple Leaf

Spurge - Purple Leaf (perennial)
(Euphorbia polychroma)
zone: 3
height: 45 cm, 1½ ft
spread: 45 cm, 1½ ft
foliage: yellow, May-June
divide: optional (A)

A bit of an iffy plant; has difficulties coming back after winter.

Goat's Beard

Goat's Beard (perennial)
(Aruncus dioicus)
zone: 3
height: 1.5 m, 5 ft
spread: 1 cm, 3 ft
foliage: creamy-white, early to mid summer

Likes moisture. Trim after blooming.

Sedum - Russian Stonecrop

Sedum - Russian Stonecrop (perennial)
(Sedum kamtschaticum)
zone: 3
height: 15 cm, 6"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
foliage: yellow, June-August
divide: optional (C)

Nice, low maintenance ground cover.

Dianthus Siberian Blue

Dianthus - Siberian Blue (perennial)
(Dianthus 'Siberian Blue')
zone: 2
height: 40 cm, 1 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: indigo, July-September
divide: 3 years (B); success rate is poor

This perennial was started from seed and take a few years to mature.


Mother-of-Thyme (perennial)
zone: 3
height: 15 cm, 6"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
foliage: lavender, June-July
divide: 3 years (C)

Sage Silver King

Sage Silver King, Sage Silver Mound (perennial)
(Artemesia ludoviciana 'Silver King', Artemesia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound')
zone: 2, 1
height: 90 cm, 3 ft; 30 cm, 1 ft
spread: 75 cm, 2½ ft; 45 cm, 1½ ft
foliage: silver
divide: 10 years (A); 3 to 4 years (A)

Easy to divide and propagate in spring.


Cornflower (perennial)
(Centaurus dealbata)
zone: 3
height: 60 cm, 24"
spread: 50 cm, 20"
flower: rosy-purple; June-September

Excellent cutting flower.


Yarrow - Red Beauty, and many others (perennial)
(Achillea millefolium 'Red Beauty', and many others)
zone: 2
height: 70 cm, 2 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: red and many other colours; June-September
divide: 3 to 4 years (A)

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris (perennial)
(Iris germanica)
zone: 3
height: 50 cm, 20"
spread: 10 cm, 4"
flower: blue & white, late spring
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

An Iris is a rhizomes and should only be half buried!

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, bottom tier South-West (29-Jul-2011)

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Flowerbed bottom tier S.W.

area: 14 m² (151 sqft)
topography: level
sun: partially shaded
soil: good, moist

In front of the main flower bed also with retention wall. In full view from inside the house and the patio.

Weeping Caragana

Weeping Caragana (tree)
(Caragana arborescens 'Walker')
zone: 2
height: 2 m, 8 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: yellow; spring

Grafted atop a single trunk gives it the shape of a small weeping tree.

Allium Purple Sensation

Allium Purple Sensation (bulb)
(Allium aflatunenense 'Purple Sensation')
zone: 3
height: 80 cm, 3 ft
spread: 10 cm, 4"
flower: purple

Carpathian Bellflower

Carpathian Bellflower (perennial)
(Campanula carpatica 'Blue Pearl')
zone: 2
height: 25 cm, 10"
spread: 35 cm, 14"
flower: medium-blue; remove spent flowers

Peony - Double

Peony - Double (perennial)
(Paeonia lactiflora 'Kansas')
zone: 2
height: 80 cm, 2½ ft
spread: 75 cm, 3½ ft
foliage: red, June-August
divide: optional in fall (A, 2-3 eyes)

One of the most beautiful flowers. Require some form of support due to the heaviness of the flowers, e.g. tomato cages, peony hoops, stalks. You typically see ants on the buds. These ants actually help the buds to open.

Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny (perennial)
(Lysimachia nummularia)
zone: 2
height: 10 cm, 4"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: gold yellow, May-August
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

We are not very successful with our Creeping Jenny; it has a tendency to disappear on us, especially when it gets dry. Okay, I know, this patch needs a bit of weeding.

Columbine Long Spurred Mixed

Columbine Long Spurred Mixed (perennial)
(Aquilegia x hybrida)
zone: 2
height: 70 cm, 28"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: mixed, May-June

Keep an eye out for caterpillars.

White Clustered Bellflower

White Clustered Bellflower (perennial)
(Campanula glomerata 'Alba')
zone: 3
height: 60 cm, 2 ft
spread: 70 cm, 2 ft
flower: white, summer

Alpine Speedwell

Alpine Speedwell (perennial)
(Veronica Allonii)
zone: 3
height: 10 cm, 4"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: blue, summer, cut spent flower

Rock Soapwort

Rock Soapwort (perennial)
(Saponaria ocymoides)
zone: 2
height: 20 cm, 8"
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: pink, late spring

Drought tolerant.
Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower (perennial)
(Gaillardia Golden Goblin)
zone: 2
height: 25 cm, 10"
spread: 35 cm, 14"
flower: golden-yellow

Yellow Foxglove Yellow Foxglove

Yellow Foxglove (perennial)
(Digitalis grandiflora)
zone: 2
height: 75 cm, 2½ ft
spread: 35 cm, 14"
flower: creamy yellow

This plant is toxic!!!

No picture available

Gloxinia Chinese Hardy (perennial)
(Sinningia speciosa)
zone: 4
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 25 cm, 10"
flower: purple

Italian Aster Violet Queen

Italian Aster Violet Queen (perennial)
(Aster amellus?)
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: purple, early fall


Peachleaf Bellflower (perennial)
(Campanula persicifolia)
zone: 2
height: 60 cm, 24"
spread: 30 cm, 12"
flower: blue
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

Chinese Lantern Plant

Chinese Lantern Plant (perennial)
(Physalis alkekengi)
zone: 2
height: 60 cm, 24"
spread: 60 cm, 24"
flower: insignificant white; seed pods are surrounded by a bright orange "lantern", August

Very aggressive spreader.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, North of House (28-Sep-2004)

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Flowerbed North of House

area: 7 m² (75 sqft)
topography: level
sun: as from early evening
soil: poor, moist

Difficult bed with so little sunshine.

Heartleaf Bergenia, or Elephant Ears

Heartleaf Bergenia, or Elephant Ears (perennial)
(Bergenia cordifolia)
zone: 2
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 60 cm, 24 "
flower: pink clusters, June-July
divide: 3 to 4 years (A), or when centre weakens (split)


Hosta, or Plantain Lily (perennial)
(Hosta 'Golden Tiara')
zone: 3
height: 60 cm, 2 ft
spread: 30 cm, 1 ft
flower: purple; June-Augusty
divide: optional (B)


Snow-on-the-Mountain, or Goatweed/foot, or Bishop's Weed (perennial)
(Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum')
zone: 1
height: 30 cm, 1 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: green-white; July-Augusty
divide: optional (A)

Very invasive grower; use alone in an isolated area.

top prev next bottom Flowerbed, North-East of House (25-Oct-2020)

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Flowerbed front of house N.E.

area: 23.5 m² (253 sqft)
topography: level
sun: until mid morning, and the lower two tiers also as from early evening
soil: very good, moist

A three tier flowerbed with retaining walls. The tiers step down to the North. The top tier has low plant material as welcome to guests, while the lower tiers have roses -- a challenge considering the limited amount of sun and that they are facing North --.

Mugho Pine Mugho Pine

Mugho Pine (evergreen)
(Pinus mugo)
zone: 2
height: 2 m, 7 ft
spread: 2 m, 7 ft

Takes about 15 years to mature. Trim 1/3 of the buds for a compacter growth.

Last picture was taken in June 2020.

Juniper Blue Star

Juniper Blue Star (evergreen)
(Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star')
zone: 4
height: 45 cm, 18"
spread: 60 cm, 24"
foliage: steel blue

May need covering in winter.

Juniper Blue Chip

Juniper Blue Chip (evergreen)
(Juniper - horizontalis 'Blue Chip')
zone: 4
height: 30 cm, 12"
spread: 175 cm, 6 ft
foliage: blue

May need covering in winter.

Sage Silver King

Sage Silver King (perennial)
(Artemesia ludoviciana 'Silver King')
zone: 2
height: 90 cm, 3 ft
spread: 75 cm, 2½ ft
foliage: silver
divide: 10 years (A)

Easy to divide and propagate in spring.


Chive (perennial)
(Allium schoenoprasum)
height: 30 cm, 1 ft
spread: 60 cm, 2 ft
flower: purple
divide: optional (A)

Leaves are edible, for example in a salad. Spreads very quickly. We had them in one spotand few years later they came up in other flowerbeds.

Sedum - Russian Stonecrop

Sedum Russian Stonecrop, Sedum Red Dragon's Blood (perennial)
(Sedum kamtschaticum, Sedum spurium red form)
zone: 3
height: 15 cm, 6"
spread: 45 cm, 18"
flower: yellow, red, June-August
divide: optional (C)

Nice, low maintenance ground cover.

Carpathian Bellflower

Carpathian Bellflower (perennial)
(Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips', 'Deep Blue Clips')
zone: 2
height: 25 cm, 10"
spread: 35 cm, 14"
flower: medium-blue; remove spent flowers


Rosa Rugosa 'Hansa', 'Blanc de Coubert', 'F.J. Grootendorst', Rosa 'Prairie Dawn', 'Theresa Bugnet', 'Morden Blush (rose)'
zone: 3
height: 1-1.5 m, 3-5 ft
spread: 1 m, 3 ft
flower: white, pink, red; double, light to medium fragrance

Dwarf European Cranberry

Dwarf European Cranberry (shrub)
(Viburnum opulus 'Nanum')
zone: 3
height: 75 cm, 2½ ft
spread: 75 cm, 2½ ft
foliage: green

Sensitive to winterkill.

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris (perennial)
(Iris germanica)
zone: 3
height: 50 cm, 20"
spread: 10 cm, 4"
flower: blue & white, late spring
divide: 3 to 4 years (C)

An Iris is a rhizomes and should only be half buried!

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