Contrary to what the picture suggests, this is no monkey business. On the other hand one should never take oneself too serious either. So, have fun looking at the "van Vliet" family.
Van Vliets can be found all over the world. On my travels I always check out the local white pages to see how many Van Vliets live in that place. You typically look under "Vliet", "Van Vliet" and "Vanvliet".
Nowadays we have also Web sites and e-mail. I never thought about the power of that until I got an e-mail from a Van Vliet family who just moved to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. We have started to exchange e-mail which I certainly enjoyed. I learned for example that there is a Van Vliet reunion every two years in Stroudsburg, PA.
This has also triggered something in my mind. Can we do something more globally concerning Van Vliets? Something like the Van Vliets in North America, the Van Vliets world wide, Van Vliet reunion date(s) and place(s), Van Vliet contact lists, historical facts about the Van Vliets, etc., etc.. If there are ideas out there let me know. If there is already something like that on the Web I like to know about it too.
On November 27, 2018, my darling wife Jeannette passed away at the age of 78 after being in hospitals and Long Term Care facility for 261 days.
For texts, recordings and photos of the Funeral Service follow the In Loving Memory link.
Information of our complete database of the last five publications.
Latest update | 21 Nov 2023 | 5 Mar 2017 | 28 Feb 2013 | 13 Mar 2012 | 18 Feb 2009 | database version |
Individuals | 3363 | 3348 | 3309 | 2667 | 2029 | every person |
Marriages | 1361 | 1354 | 1338 | 1093 | 797 | including living together |
Different sources | 40 | 38 | 35 | 29 | 26 | source categories |
Citations | 3207 | 3212 | 3161 | 2301 | 1956 | references to sources with unique details |
Notes | 3055 | 1089 | 618 | 576 | 538 | individual's extra information |
Additional events | 360 | 353 | 338 | 290 | 215 | marriage notice, divorce, occupation, etc. |
Multimedia items | 664 | 572 | 515 | 499 | 490 | scratchbook photos |
Thumbnails | 147 | 142 | 133 | 124 | 124 | all family snapshots |
GUIDs | 4724 | 4702 | Globally Unique Identifiers | |||
Research/To Do items | 5 | 1 | Outstanding |
Genealogy etiquettes requires that for privacy reasons the details of living persons are only available to a few selected individuals. In our case you need a username/password to view details of living persons. To see if you qualify for a username/password send an e-mail to the webmaster at the bottom of this page.
Blazon or Blason -- A term generally applied to the knowledge and description of armorial bearings according to the rules of Heraldry.
Coat of Arms or Armorial Bearings -- Consist in the shield and its external ornaments. The term Coat of Arms is however more applicable to the surcoat or mantle upon which the armorial bearings were formerly depicted.
Some useful heraldry websites are listed under Other Web Sites.
The Van Vliet Coat of Arms as illustrated here is officially documented in the Johan Baptiste Rietstap Armorial Général and is most likely one of the oldest recorded. There are undoubtedly many more Van Vliet Coat of Arms because under most heraldic rules only the first sons of the first sons of the recipient of a Coat of Arms are permitted to bear their ancestor's arms. Younger sons may only use a changed ("differenced") version of their father's arms.
The description of the above shield (arms) is: "D'or, à la fasce de sable, accompagné de trois losanges de gueules". Translated this blazon describes the original colours of the Van Vliet arms as: "Gold with a black horizontal band accompanied by three red diamond shapes". Above the helmet is the crest described as: "A red diamond shape between two gold wings".
The gold metal of the shield or escutcheon denotes generosity, valour and perseverance. The black horizontal band or fess is one of the seven honorable ordinaries. The black colour represents repentance or vengeance. The red colour of the diamonds represents fortitude and creative power.
The Van Vliet Coat of Arms, like many other Coat of Arms, is associated with the European medieval culture and since the 13th century recorded in heraldic archives. See also the Genealogy and Heraldry topics under Other Web Sites for more links.
In recent years, when you search the internet for a "van Vliet" blazon, the commercial sites all use this coat of arms. Apparently they find it prettier.
In the Johan Baptiste Rietstap Armorial Général it is described as "D'argent, au chevron de gueules, accompagné de trois fleurs-de-lis d'azur". Translated it says Silver with a red chevron accompanied by three blue fleur-de-lis.
Actually there are at least eleven "Vliet" blazons listed in Johan Baptiste Rietstap Armorial Général.
This is a modern version of the "de Gier" Coat of Arms from the 1300's, based on how it was found without colours on a gravestone. It is registered on 18-Nov-1997 with the "Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie" in The Hague, Netherlands.
Field: blue with three silver gyrfalcons;
Helmet sign: head and neck of a silver griffin;
Coats: blue, lined in silver.
More information can be found on de Gier Coat of Arms and also in a PDF document Genealogie en geografie van de familie de Gier (Genealogy and geography of the de Gier family) by Alfred de Gier (pages 127 to 133).
Genealogy is an account of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor. This is also called a family tree. Originally we had no intension on doing any elaborate genealogy research on our families. However, as we went through old family albums and several hundreds of loose pictures from Pieter's mom and dad, we suddenly realized that even a simple family tree would have been extremely useful. Our goal is now to put down whatever information we have or find on our respective families and to add to that some photos so that our (grand)children can put faces to the names. Who knows where this may lead us.
We found the free Personal Ancestral File (PAF5) program -- a product of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -- to be just the perfect tool for us to record our information. The program is simple, easy to learn, and yet very powerful. You can store multimedia data (photos, audio, video) with each individual and even generate web pages for publication on the internet. We use this tool to generate the four individual family trees with all the details and pictures.
June 2015 -- The PAF5 program (latest version 5.2.18, 24-Aug-2011) still works fine, but is no longer available and supported. We found Ancestral Quest (version 16.0) from Incline Software the be the perfect replacement for PAF5. The screens are almost the same. The free version provides the same functionality as PAF5, except that it allows only one picture per individual. Hence we use the paid version as we have sometimes up to 35 pictures per individual. You can continue to use the PAF5 database, which allow you to fall back to the old PAF5 program if so desired. We have not found the need for using the new features of Ancestral Quest, but if you do then you have to convert the PAF5 database to the Ancestral Quest database format; a tool is provided. By the way, the PAF5 program was originally based on Ancestral Quest.
In addition Progeny Genealogy offers also a PAF Companion program for a small fee, which produces several coloured screen diagrams and reports in PDF (Adobe) format for printing or publication.
June 2015 -- The PAF Companion program (latest version 6.0.6, 27-Feb-2013) still works fine too, but is no longer available and supported. PAF Companion has been replaced by Charting Companion from Progeny Genealogy (version 7.2). Charting Companion provides the same charts as PAF Companion and many more.
PAF5 and Ancestral Quest can also export the data in GEnealogical Data COMmunication format (GEDCOM for short) which is nowadays the genealogy text standard for exchanging information. Is PAF the best genealogy program? Most likely not, but it is free (just the cost of the disk). A few other top genealogy programs are: Family Tree Maker, Legacy and RootsMagic; I cannot say more about them as I have never used them.
We also like to show all family members what we have in our genealogy database in a more graphical form. Those web pages are generated with GedHTree, a program that creates a really nice family tree and various statistics. Where available we have added one picture per individual or family. Unfortunately, for most of the pictures you have to look at the [scrapbooks] of the "individual families", as this product does not tie in very well with the Personal Ancestral File database. GedHTree takes its input from, what else, a GEDCOM file.
June 2015 -- Unfortunately the author/supporter of GedHTree (latest frozen version 2.80, 28-Aug-2011) disappeared from the Internet. The generated output needs a little TLC (Tender, Love and Care), but we keep using it until we find another program.
Finally, a detailed map. We use a detailed physical map of the Netherlands scale 1:250,000 (64th print) of FalkPlan, Eindhoven. It has every city and village, no matter how small.
With the tools in place begin entering information of yourself, your immediate family, children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents. Develop a discipline and be consistent, like enter all given names in full using appropriate capitalization, for places enter village/city, province/state and country, separated by commas. For each event of a person enter the source of information; this becomes very important when you export data to other people and also when you receive data from others. Play around with your PAF tools to see what features they provide and make a list of what kind of data you like to save. We recommend to save everything to begin with, education, occupation(s), witnesses at weddings, etc.. You can always toss it at a later date.
Next will be siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins. Get your shoebox out with pictures, newspaper clippings, in memoriam cards, etc.. Talk to relatives to get dates, proper names, etc.. The next step is to get at least the details of greatgrandparents as details of grandparents are often not enough as they are still too young to appear in genealogy databases on the internet. That is the information you need to start digging in archives or doing online genealogy research. And obviously you need a lucky break from time to time too.
WARNING: Even when you get information from a "trusted" source, it is always good to cross check and verify the original source yourself. Anyone can make a simple error which could impact your own research later.
One has to understand that in Europe the civil registeries of birth, marriage and death was started by Napoleon Bonaparte around 1800. Before that only the churches kept a record of christenings, marriages and burials.
These are our sources of information in approximate order in which we got them -- yours might very well go completely different --:
Some abbreviations are used in the All-inclusive Family Tree and the Indiviudual Family Trees. Here are some of the most common abbreviations:
Common events | ||
b. | (birth) | geboren |
c. | (christening) | gedoopt |
m. | (married) | getrouwd |
d. | (death) | overleden |
bu. | (burial) | begraven |
Date prefixes | ||
abt | (about) | ongeveer |
bef | (before) | voor |
aft | (after) | na |
est | (estimated) | geschat |
cal | (calculated) | berekend |
sti | (stillborn) | doodgeboren |
Other abbreviations | ||
N.N. | (nomen nescio) | name unknown; used for both first and last name |
Found in Source References | |
Burgerlijke Stand | Civil Registries |
Doop-, Trouw- en Begraaf-registers (DTB) | Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registries; Church Registries |
geboorteakte | birth certificate |
doopakte | christening/baptism certificate |
huwelijksakte, trouwakte | marriage certificate |
overlijdensakte | death certificate |
begraafakte | burial certificate |
archief/toegang | archive/access (number) |
inventaris/registratie | inventory/registration (number or year) |
parochie | parish |
periode | period (year, years) |
All-inclusive Family Tree and Statistics (free access). Shows our entire GEDCOM database combining all individuals of our four main families into one large single family tree. Direct links are provided for Cornelis van Vliet ("root 1"), Arisje de Gier ("root 2"), Wijnand Penders("root 3"), and Frederica Slootmans("root 4"). Follow the root number to get to one of the above four "root" individuals.
All-inclusive Family Tree and Statistics (restricted access; requires username/password) same as above, but now showing also the details of living individuals. Plus it shows a photo of the root people, their siblings, their (grant)parents, and their (grant)children.
The web pages are generated with GedHTree, that creates a really nice family tree and various statistics. Unfortunately, for more pictures you have to look at the "individual families", as this product does not tie in very well with the Personal Ancestral File GEDCOM database.
![]() | links to descendants or ancestors. Follow the root number to get to one of the above four "root" individuals. |
![]() | link to pictures |
![]() | link to family tree |
![]() | link to notes |
![]() | link to sources |
There are various ways to publish the information on the internet, but for the time being we have decided to split the descendants into the four main individual family groups each time starting with the eldest member of that family group.
The multi-page PDF files open in Adobe Reader, or browser equivalent, and can be printed from there. Recommended to use the "Fit" option. After printing cut off the top strip of page 2 along the dotted line and then glue it to the bottom of page 1. Follow the same procedure for the the next pages.
The single large page PDF files are not intended for printing. These are for viewing with Adobe Reader, or browser equivalent, on a computer screen. For faster response we recommend to use Adobe Reader rather than the browser build-in reader. Start off to use "fit to screen width" or about 50% or just zoom in/out. Then use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to position the portion you are interested in. Here are a few easy short cuts:
In case the zoom in/out does not show sharp text and boxes, especially in Firefox, then make sure NOT TO USE the build in PDF renderer.
For Firefox: Select Settings --> General --> Applications --> Portable Document Format (PDF) --> Use Windows default application
"van Vliet" Family | (restricted access; requires username/password) Pieter's paternal family covering 13 generations, descending from Dirk Joostensz van der Vliet. They come predominantly from the province of Zuid-Holland in The Netherlands, and mainly from the villages Zoetermeer and Reeuwijk. Reeuwijk is a lake area close to the city of Gouda, a town known for its Gouda cheese and the high quality paraffin candles. |
(free access) PDF file with 6 generations (pedigree without siblings) of Pieter's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Cornelis van Vliet (2 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Pieter's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Cornelis van Vliet (all; 12 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Pieter's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Cornelis van Vliet (all; one large page). Same as the previous one, but this is one large page that can be viewed, zoomed in/out and scrolled with for example Adobe Reader. NOT SUITABLE FOR PRINTING. | |
MAIN SOURCES: Streekmuseum OudheidKamer Reeuwijk, |
"de Gier" Family | (restricted access; requires username/password) Pieter's maternal family covering 21 generations, descending from Petrus de Gier. They come predominantly from the province of Utrecht, specifically the small villages Harmelen, Jutphaas, Maartensdijk and Lopik. |
(free access) PDF file with 6 generations (pedigree without siblings) of Pieter's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Arisje de Gier (2 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Pieter's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Arisje de Gier (all; 25 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Pieter's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Arisje de Gier (all; one large page). Same as the previous one, but this is one large page that can be viewed, zoomed in/out and scrolled with for example Adobe Reader. NOT SUITABLE FOR PRINTING. | |
MAIN SOURCES: Data from three cousins, "Genealogie en geografie van de familie de Gier" by Alfred de Gier, which in turn is for a large part based on "Genealogie van het geslacht de Gier in den Bommelerwaard" by Dr. J.C. Maris van Sandelingenambacht as published in volume 61 (1943) of the magazine De Nederlandsche Leeuw, and various other internet sources. |
"Penders" Family | (restricted access; requires username/password) Jeannette's paternal family covering 8 generations, descending from Mathis Penders. They come predominantly from the town Hoensbroek in the province of Limburg. Old Hoensbroek was build around the castle of Knight Hoen. Although "broek" literally translates in pants, Hoensbroek does not mean the pants of Hoen. My brother-in-law enlightened me by pointing out that "broek" really is from "broekland" which means marsh or marshy land. Most men worked in the state owned coal mine Emma. All the mines in Limburg are now closed. |
(free access) PDF file with 6 generations (pedigree without siblings) of Jeannette's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Wijnand Penders (1 page). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Jeannette's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Wijnand Penders (all; 2 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Jeannette's paternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Wijnand Penders (all; one large page). Same as the previous one, but this is one large page that can be viewed, zoomed in/out and scrolled with for example Adobe Reader. NOT SUITABLE FOR PRINTING. | |
"Slootmans" Family | (restricted access; requires username/password) Jeannette's maternal family covering 15 generations, descending from Peter den Ouden Slootmans. They originated from the province of Noord Brabant and before that from Belgium. |
(free access) PDF file with 6 generations (pedigree without siblings) of Jeannette's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Frederica Slootmans (2 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Jeannette's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Frederica Slootmans (all; 45 pages). | |
(free access) PDF file with all generations (pedigree with siblings) of Jeannette's maternal ancestors (kwartierstaat) starting with Frederica Slootmans (all; one large page). Same as the previous one, but this is one large page that can be viewed, zoomed in/out and scrolled with for example Adobe Reader. NOT SUITABLE FOR PRINTING. | |
MAIN SOURCES: Research data from Louis Ch. M. Slootmans, data from Chris Kuipers covering non-Slootmans individuals,, and various other internet sources. |
We also found some pictures that intrigued us tremendously, because we are not sure who is/are in those pictures. Please have a look at Who is This?, and if you come across a picture and can positively identify the person(s) in it then please let us know.
Textual presentation organized by generation, starting with the oldest generation. Things can get confusing pretty quick, so keep also an eye on the number in front of a persons name.
![]() | go to main page of a family |
![]() | go to first page (oldest generation) |
![]() | go to previous page (older generation) |
![]() | go to next page (younger generation) |
![]() | go to last page (youngest generation) |
(name) | go to parent(s) |
[scrapbook] | Here we have put together some pictures of that person or his/her family group. The old photos were mostly black and white -- some even yellowed with age --, with scratches, finger prints, and ranging in size from 3.5 by 2.5 cm, 6 by 4 cm, 8 by 5 cm, to a few larger ones. With a digital camera we took full screen 2288 by 1712 pixels pictures of the photos and then edited them to a final size not exceeding 800 by 600 pixels. At that time we did not have a scanner. |
Interesting information and history of some places mentioned in the above family trees. Mind you, this will not be a rundown of all the places in the family trees. Here I try to record little know facts and history of certain places, especially places that don't exist anymore as a municipality. No doubt, over time this list will grow, and if you happen to have information (personal knowledge, internet link) then please get in touch with us.
Alphen and Alphen aan de Rijn is the same place in the province of Zuid-Holland.
This village was most likely named after the Blauwkapel chapel (1451), or Bluechapel because the walls and ceiling were painted blue. The Blauwkapel fort was build from 1818 until 1821 and is one of the biggest on the New Dutch Water (defence) Line. And the biggest meteorite strike of the Netherlands occurred there close by in 1843.
Middelburg is a hamlet in the Dutch province of Zuid Holland. It is located about 2 km west of Waddinxveen, in the municipality of Reeuwijk. Middelburg was a separate municipality from 1817 to 1855, when it became part of Reeuwijk.
According to Wikipedia, Oldenburg is an Independent City in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated in the western part of the state between the cities of Bremen and Groningen, Netherlands, at the Hunte river.
The village is surrounded by the lakes of the Reeuwijkse Plassen, close to the city of Gouda. Sluipwijk was a separate municipality until 1870, when it became part of Reeuwijk.
My grandmother, Jacoba Oomse, is said to be a descendant from French Huguenots, who left France to avoid persecution there. Apparently her great-grandfather, Hannes Oomsen, came from Germany. Don't know if his family went there in the 1500's or 1700's.
The Van Vliet Contact List is an easy way to get in touch with other Van Vliets from around the world. This is a free service, but you have to be in the contact list yourself before you can access the list of the other Van Vliets. Requirement is that your last name (surname, maiden name) contains "vliet" to qualify for entry into the contact list. Names like Vliet, Vanvliet, van Vliet, Vandervliet, and van de Vliet, are all acceptable. You decide what information is shown/published to the other Van Vliets.
These Web sites refer to various "Vliet" names which may not necessary be related to the "van Vliet" name, such as Vliet, Vanvliet, de Vliet, van de Vliet, van der Vliet, Vandervliet, etc..
People are sometimes looking for a long lost Van Vliet. We facilitate the placement of a search request for that person. We are not responsible for the search request contents or accuracy. We do not mediate between parties. We are not responsible for anything that comes forth from the placement of this search request.
Alternatively you can also look at Wie zoekt wie? which is a good contact point when you are looking for a lost Dutch or Belgium friend or relative who left for another country with address unknown.
Requester: Rachel Johnson (e-mail:
I'm trying to help my sister locate the whereabouts of Marty van Vliet, who she met in Edmonton, Canada, in the summer of 1986 or 1987. Not sure. However, she travelled with him North of Edmonton into the wilds, after the finish of a field trip, which she was undertaking with the Dept of Town and Regional Planning at Oxford Polytechnic here in the UK. I think she met him through the University in Edmonton where he must have been a college student. She's now living in Norway, with her 2 children and partner Stuart Cowie (
Requester: (Jim) James D. Sanders (e-mail:
My mom died when I was eight. Dad remarried two years later to Evalyn Mae Heath Van Vliet who had been widowed about the same time. Evalyn Mae Heath Van Vliet Sanders passed away February 3, 2007.
Evalyn Mae Heath Van Vliet Sanders first husband was Frank Louise Van Vliet, his parents were Marinus Van Vliet and Louise Maters. Records show that Marinus Van Vliet and Louise Maters Van Vliet were born in Holland. Frank was born in California. He died in an automobile accident in Burnt Creek, California.
That is all I know of them. I would like to know more about the van Vliet side of the family. I do have pictures of Frank, Marinus and Louise.
Requester: Carl Mills (e-mail:
I'm an ex-member of the Canadian Air Force's 400 Squadron and we will be celebrating our 80th anniversary in 2012. 400 Squadron still exists as a reserve unit and flies Griffon helicopters from Canadian Forces Base Borden (north of Toronto). The squadron was formed in 1932 and deployed to the Second World War (UK) in February 1940 as the first Canadian Air Force unit to deploy. The Commanding Officer at that time was Squadron Leader (later Group Captain) W.D. "Wib" Van Vliet. We are attempting to contact descendants in order to inform them of the project and to discuss any further information that the family might have.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Homepage | World of Van Vliet | In Loving Memory | Behind the Scenes | News & Info | Dutch Consulate | Beauty of Canada | Immigrant Talk | Crazy World | Funnies | Other Web Sites