Dempsey Woodworking contains a collection of web pages that has to do with my main hobby: woodworking, i.e. woodworking in the broadest sense of the word. It contains details of the various projects I did over the years. Each of these project pages contain:
- Description -- Project title, approximate number of hours for project construction, approximate cost in Canadian dollars, and a required skill level: beginner, intermediate and advanced woodworker.
- Pictures -- Various pictures taken during the construction and of the finished product. Click on a picture to get a larger picture and then used the back button of the browser to return.
- Plans, Drawings, Sketches -- These may look like real drawings, but are actually just nice sketches as they are not necessarily to scale!!!.
- For older projects the drawings are in jpeg format with a resolution of about 800x600. To view or print the full size drawing just click on a drawing, and then use the print-preview of the browser to select portrait/landscape format and (re)size the drawing before doing the actual printing.
- More recent projects offer letter-size (8½" x 11") drawings in "pdf" file format, which are much better to view and print. You will need a pdf reader such as the free Abode Reader© 9.4.
- Materials List -- Detailed sizes and suggested list of raw materials.
- Required Tools -- Tools used to do the project. Details of the tools can be found on the workshop page.
- Construction -- Suggested order of construction.
- References -- Contains a list of reference material, books and other web sites, where applicable.
You are welcome to use the project information to do a project yourself, provided that you read and agree to my copyright & disclaimer.
Check out the Other Websites page for links to other interesting woodworking related web sites. And also have a look at the many other woodworking projects I did as listed under Hobby Pictures of Pieter (1) and Hobby Pictures of Pieter (2). Don't forget to come back here though!
For proper viewing any of the latest browser versions will do; I use Firefox. The recommended minimum screen resolution is 800x600; personally I use 1920x1200.
What is New (5-Feb-2025)
- 5-Feb-2025 -- Updated Female Statue project
- 8-Mar-2024 -- New Female Statue project
- 22-Nov-2023 -- Updated Dutch Windmill -- added a video pumping water at the end of the pictures
- 17-Nov-2023 -- Updated Other Web Sites
- 15-Jan-2023 -- Updated Bluenose/Bluenose II project
- 3-Aug-2021 -- Updated Grandfather Clock project -- added pictures of how someone else did it.
- 28-May-2021 -- Updated Sjoelbak (How others did it)
- 22-Jan-2021 -- Updated Grandfather Clock project -- added pictures of how someone else did it.
- 17-Jul-2020 -- Dempsey Woodworking -- improved support for cellphones
- 27-Mar-2020 -- Updated Roll Top Desk project -- added pictures of how someone else did it
- 5-Feb-2019 -- Dempsey Woodworking -- converted to HTML 5
- 26-Jan-2019 -- Updated Roll Top Desk project -- added moving/installation summary
- 14-Dec-2017 -- Updated Other Web Sites
- 7-Oct-2014 -- Updated Workshop page